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Julia Merler Carbajo
Augusto Tessone


The aim of this essay is to evaluate the usefulness of stable isotope analysis in human remains for addressing mobility and diet in hunter-gatherers in the Rio Pinturas area. For this purpose, stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in collagen and apatite were analyzed in 5 individuals from the basin. All individuals presented similar values for all the isotopic ratios considered, with the exception of individual 3 from the Puesto El Rodeo site. Available reference frames for the δ15N region such as δ18O have proven useful to identify ecological-climatic differences on an east-west axis in the region. On this basis, it is suggested that individual 3 from Puesto El Rodeo would correspond to a migrant from the area to the west of the basin, while the rest of the individuals analyzed present values associated with the steppe area of central-western Patagonia.


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