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Natalia Gándara


In the second half of the 18th century there was an increase in European naval and scientific expeditions to the Pacific Ocean in order to survey this maritime space and establish the best navigational route. As a result, the connecting passages between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean became more relevant. In this context, remote and peripheral places such as the Magellan Strait and Cape Horn gained         a new geostrategic value for the European empires. Following the “spatial turn” of the History of Science,   this article explores the production and  circulation  of  hydrographic  and  cartographic  knowledge  about  the southern passages of the Magellan Strait, Cape Horn and the Western Patagonian Channels  in  the Spanish expeditions between 1785 and 1795. It is argued that the process of production of knowledge is a trans-imperial phenomenon which involves different actors. This perspective allows us to problematise     the power relations  involved  in  the  process  of  social  construction  of  knowledge,  addressing  the  issue  of how  the  standardization  of  the  scientific  processes  impose  a  hierarchy  in  the  ways  of  producing  and transferring scientific knowledge. Furthermore, the paper argues that these expeditions must be understood as part of the global efforts of the Spanish monarchy to (re)appropriate and take control of the geography of the southern passages in a context of intense imperial competition.




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