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Carolina Martínez


This paper examines the process by which the Magellanic-Fuegian area consolidated as  a  land of giants in the context of  European  transoceanic  expansion  in  the  16th  and  17th  centuries. In order to do so, it reconstructs the different contexts of production and circulation in which, cartographically speaking, the myth of the Patagonian giants was strengthened. In the course of the 16th and 17th centuries the presence of large men, as described by Antonio Pigafetta around  1524, became a recurring topic in the travel accounts to South America, their alleged existence being debated until the end of the 18th century. In this process, in dialogue with the printed text,  17th century Dutch cartography played a decisive role, as it ended up giving a specific identity to that remote geographical area. In order to understand the political and cultural variables that shaped the development of a specific cartography on the Gigantum Regio, the maps of the Strait of Magellan produced in the Golden Age of Dutch cartography are analyzed in relation to the previous Iberian cartography as well as with the travel accounts produced amidst the overseas rivalries developed between the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries.


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Martínez, C. . (2020). PATAGONIA IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF DUTCH CARTOGRAPHY: A GENEALOGY OF THE GIGANTUM REGIO (17th C.). Magallania, 123–145. Retrieved from


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