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Luis Alberto Borrero
Flavia Morello
Manuel San Román


The systematization of the concept of cultural geography and its usefulness in hierarchizing space according to cultural values and knowledge that have archaeological visibility and obstrusiveness, are reviewed. They consider the dynamics of mobility and human circulation in the Fuegian landscapes of the austral region. The work aims to transcend the ethnic boundaries recognized by historical observations and ethnographic studies, focuses on recent times and, also, it is integrated with different approaches and concepts of specialized fields within the archaeological record, archaeozoology or studies of techno-economic systems, among others.


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Borrero, L. A., Morello, F., & San Román, M. (2021). CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE ARCHIPELAGOS OF FUEGO-PATAGONIA DURING RECENT TIMES. MOBILITY AND PLANNING. Magallania, 48(2), 45–70. Retrieved from


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